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Theoretical and practical two-day course   "Endoscopic surgery of the maxillary sinus"
from Alexander Kobyakov 

For whom:
- maxillofacial surgeon;
- surgeon - dentist;
- doctor - otorhinolaryngologist. 


Course program:

Day 1

1. Theoretical part 

- Misunderstanding between dentist and ENT doctor: why, when and how? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

How to avoid this and be independent in matters of related specialists?

- Endoscopic anatomy of the maxillary sinus and osteomeatal complex, anterior lattice labyrinth. Why is the nasal cavity  anatomically and phylogenetically related to the oral cavity? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

- Why every dental surgeon just needs to have mini-invasive endoscopic techniques (analogy of endodontics with a microscope and without a microscope); What part of rhino- and sinus surgery is the section of surgical dentistry?

- Sinus lift and FESS: where does the dentist / ENT border go?

- How can endoscopic skills save a complicated sinus lift? Examples. 

- Why every dental surgeon just needs to have mini-invasive endoscopic techniques (analogy of endodontics with a microscope and without a microscope); What part of rhino- and sinus surgery is the section of surgical dentistry?

- Sinus lift and FESS: where does the dentist / ENT border go?

- How can endoscopic skills save a complicated sinus lift? Examples. 


2. Practical part:

Introduction to the endoscope, the principle of operation and basic tools.

Practice of manual skills within the limits of usual endoscopic inspection of a nose;

Practical part (day 2):

Work in the operating room - live - operation

(The type of sinus pathology will depend on the presence of

patient with the corresponding pathology of PPN).

Discussion. Discussion. Answers to questions. 


To enroll in the course and all questions 38 (099) 3647970

Venue: Vinnytsia, Medical Center for Maxillofacial Surgery and Implantology

Звіт по останньому курсу


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